Essentials Map Middleware (Component)

You can use this component to change some of the map settings.


  • Resetable Objects Prefabs - drag in all the prefabs here of the objects that can be destroyed in the map.

  • Resetable Objects - allows you to set the prefab and position of objects that can be destroyed. This makes sure they get respawned when the player cleans the map.

    • Prefab - the object prefab

    • Position - the object position

  • Reflection Probes - drag in all the reflection probes that you want to refresh when the time of day changes. Doesn't work during the full day cycle for performance.

  • Lights To Turn Off At Day - this makes sure that these lights get disabled at day and enabled at night.

  • Wind Speed - sets wind speed, mostly used for SpeedTree.

  • Wind Rotation - sets wind rotation, mostly used for SpeedTree.

  • Random Fireworks Places - sets the places for fireworks to spawn when the player turns on Random Fireworks in the T menu. This takes in just an array of empty game objects that you can move around the map and later drag them in there.

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