Pellet (ScriptableObject)

This component allows you to set information about how your firework is launched in the Firework Cake component.


  • Caliber - the pellet caliber (in mm, for example 20, 30, 50)

  • Launch force - with how much force the firework is being launched at

  • Launch sound - what launch sound is being used for the pellet

  • Custom launch sound (override) - override the launch sound being used for the pellet, aka supply your own custom one

  • Pellet mesh shape - you can choose between what shape the pellet will be: spherical or cylindrical

  • Minimum delay before explosion - minimum time it takes before it explodes

  • Maximum delay before explosion - maximum time it takes before it explodes

  • Explosion: (beware that you can use either VFX or PS, not two at once)

    • VFX Explosion - the explosion particle (VFX Asset), Recommended

    • PS Explosion - the explosion particle (Particle System)

    • Sound - the explosion sound

    • Min pitch - minimum pitch of the explosion sound

    • Max pitch - maximum pitch of the explosion

    • Sound distance - maximum sound distance the explosion sound is hearable at

  • Preburner: (beware that you can use either VFX or PS, not two at once)

    • Min Preburner Delay - minimum time it takes before the preburner activates

    • Max Preburner Delay - maximum time it takes before the preburner activates

    • VFX Preburner - the preburner particle (VFX Asset), Recommended

    • PS Preburner - the preburner particle (Particle System)

    • Min Preburner Length - minimum time before the preburner stops emitting, counted after delay, not since the launch of the pellet

    • Max Preburner Length - maximum time before the preburner stops emitting, counted after delay, not since the launch of the pellet

    • Sound - preburner sound, played after the delay, leave empty if not used

    • Sound distance - preburner sound maximum hearable distance

  • Second Preburner - same as preburner, can be used to have a second preburner, for example a delayed tail

  • Particle group - can be used to create more complex effects, with a few particles layered on top of each other, leave empty if not used:

    • Position - position of the overlayed particle

    • Rotation - rotation of the overlayed particle

    • Particle - particle of the overlayed particle

  • Mine - particle that's played on the launch position immediately after the cake is launched:

    • VFX Mine - particle of the mine (VFX Asset)

    • Sound - sound of the mine

  • Is whirling? - applies whirl effect to the pellet, making it spin

    • Max whirl amount - the amount of whirl

    • Minimum whirl delay - minimum time before the whirl effect activates

    • Maximum whirl delay - maximum time before the whirl effect activates

  • Is whistle? - applies whistle effect to the pellet, making it go randomly in directions as it flies through

    • Minimum whistle delay - minimum time before the whistle effect activates

    • Maximum whistle delay - maximum time before the whistle effect activates

    • Use custom whistle force? - allows you set custom whistle force

    • Custom whistle force - custom whistle force, default is [500, 500, 500]

  • Don't launch - doesn't launch the pellet, literally, just ignores it

  • Emit preburner light? - emits light as the pellet rises

    • Preburner light color - gradient of the preburner light as it rises in the sky, you can add points in the gradient editor to make it change color as it rises

  • Angular drag - angular drag of the rigidbody

  • Use custom random force?

    • Custom random force - custom random force that is applied to the pellet as it gets launched, default is [25,25,25]

  • Use custom mass?

    • Custom mass - custom mass of the rigidbody in kilograms, default is 1

  • Use custom drag?

    • Custom drag - custom air drag of the rigidbody, default is 0


Launch force:

  • 20mm - 1200

  • 25mm - 1500

  • 30mm - 2000

  • 38mm - 2250

  • 50mm - 2500

  • 75mm - 4500

Explosion min, max pitch:

  • min - 0.8

  • max - 1.2

Sound distance - 9000

Preburner sound distance - 2500

Understanding what variables control

  • Caliber:

    • setting the size of the pellet

    • setting the size of the smoke when it explodes

    • radius required for massexplosions

    • max hearable distance of the launch sound

    • cake launch particle size

    • intensity and range of "emit light"

Last updated