02.03 Creating the prefab

Every firework in the mod requires an individual prefab. Make sure you don't mistake models with prefabs, they're not the same thing. Prefabs contain more than the models can, such as scripts, other models etc.

To create a prefab, drag the model from the folder onto the scene view (the one in the middle of the screen) like this:

Next, making sure the model is selected in the Hierarchy (the window on the left), drag the ball from the hierarchy to the folder. It will pop up this window:

Select Original Prefab. This will create a prefab in our folder:

I always rename to it for example "Prefab Ball" so its easier to identify, like this:

If you'd notice, you can see that the prefab dose not have the arrow on the right of it's icon like the model (which is on the left in this example). Using this, you can identify which is a prefab and which is a model as well.

Double clicking on the prefab will change your scene view to a view of the prefab.

Next, we'll add required components to the prefab.

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