06.01 Principles of good labels

Here you'll find some basics of creating labels for your firework mods

Finding labels is the hardest

Finding labels is the hardest thing to do, as most often than not you do not have the firework you want to recreate and cannot take clear picture of it from all sides. However, during my experience, I've found a few websites that make it simpler. Please note that legally you can not use these images as they're copyrighted.

  • https://www.feuerwerk-datenbank.de/ - it contains most european fireworks, people upload their own pictures of the product and it often includes it from all sides

  • https://www.pyroweb.de/ - it contains also mostly european fireworks, however they have a 3D view on most product, which you can use to create labels easily

  • Funke Fajerwerki - channel, for Funke Fireworks products of course. In most videos in the intro they show it from all sides.

  • Argento Feuerwerk - same as above, for Argento

  • Iskra Line - same as above, for Iskra

Make it fair

If you include labels that someone else sent, please include the name of who made it.

You have labels but you don't want to make a mod?

You can upload it to other people to use. You can upload them in the #modding-labels channel on our discord server. Make sure to include photos from all side, also them being in one image would be preferable but not neccessary.

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