Steam Uploader (ScriptableObject)

This component allows you to upload your mod to the Steam Workshop. To use it, you need to have Pyroworks in your library and you need to have your Steam open.


  • Mod Folder - the folder containing your mod

  • Build Compression - The build compression applied to the mod

    • None - loads quicker ingame, however has bigger size

    • LZ4 - loads slower ingame, has smaller size

  • New File - if it's checked, you're uploading a new mod to workshop, if it's not, you're updating a mod with the designated fileid

  • Tag - you choose the appropriate tags for your mod that will be displayed in the Steam Workshop

  • File ID - the file ID of your mod that you want to update

  • Mod Name - the title of your uploaded mod

  • Thumbnail - the thumbnail of your mod on the Steam Workshop

  • Description - the description for your mod

  • Other Asset Bundles To Include - names of other assetbundles to include, it is useful when creating maps, because for maps you need 2 assetbundles, one containing the asset, and other just the scene. For other purposes you can leave it empty


  • Upload - uploads the mod to Steam Workshop and lets you know of the progress in the console

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