02.06 Exporting and uploading the mod

It's time to test, export and then upload our mod.

Creating mod exporter

First create a mod exporter for our mod. Go back to the __YOUR MODS GO HERE folder and press right click on our mod folder. Press Create mod exporter.

Now a new object should be created. We can go on to test our mod.

Testing the mod

Press the Export mod to test folder, wait until it's finished and then press the Launch game button. Go into singleplayer (important) and see if your mod appears in the category you've chosen. For our ball prop, it would appear in Props category in All subcategory. Test if it works and spawns fine, and after this you can move on and upload your glorious mod. You can press the Remove mod from testing folder button.

Uploading the mod


You can press Upload mod to Steam Workshop. This should create another object. Assign a proper tag and a mod name, along with the thumbnail and the description. For me, I set the thumbnail to the ball prop thumbnail I created before. You can edit them all later in the steam workshop page as well of course. Leave the rest of stuff as it is. The Build Compression applies compression to the assetbundle, depending on what you choose. You can view more in

You can then press the Upload button. Please note that you need to have Steam on and need to have Pyroworks in your library. In the console you should now see the upload progress.

After it's done, it should open a browser window with your mod in there. You can change the visibility to public and edit some other stuff if you want to. This should be it! Good job.

Updating the mod

If you want to update the mod, make sure New file is off in the Steam uploader. Enter in your mod fileID which is in the URL of your mod (for example for https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3016688595 it is 3016688595) and type in a changelog, aka what did you change in the new version. You can then press upload and it should all upload automatically.

That should be it for this short little tutorial! Good job on creating your first prop.

Mod folder for download

Here is the final mod folder that you can use for learning purposes:

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